Contact Details

Dr. C. Murray Bartle
Wellington, New Zealand

C. Murray Bartle PhD

Murray Bartle, PhD

PhD in Physics

Murray Bartle has expertise in general physics - research and teaching

For more details refer to 'Links'

2023 -- A poster presentation was given at the 19th Conference of the New Zealand Institute of Physics, incorporating Physikos - the Physics Teachers Conference, 3-5 July 2023. The venue was Massey University Albany Campus Auckland, New Zealand. In 2024 the Koeberg nuclear power station supplying Cape Town and the Western Cape, South Africa, will have been operating 40 Years. The State Utility, Eskom, plans to extend its operation for another 20 years (note added 24/7/24: Unit 1 reached 40 years of operation on 21 July 2024 and operation was recently extended until 21 July 2044). I was lecturing in physics at the University of Cape Town (UCT) when the power station was being constructed and this poster is about the public debate in the Cape Town newspapers, in the UCT Summer School ('Why Koeberg?';INIS_IAEA) and in the UCT Science Students' Council Symposium on nuclear power, in which I participated, during this construction phase. This poster presents newspaper reporting examples arising from this publicity. It encourages young scientists to participate in public discussions. Details of the conference programme, presentation abstracts and speaker bios can be found on link NZIP2023.

2021 -- A poster presentation was given at the 18th Conference of the New Zealand Institute of Physics, incorporating Physikos - the Physics Teachers Conference, 12-14 July 2021. The venue was Queen Margaret College, Wellington, New Zealand. Details of the conference programme, presentation abstracts and speaker bios can be found on link NZIP2021. The poster title is 'Creating Fat-Measuring Dual Radiation Beam Scanners for Meat Processing; NZ-led Research Collaborations (1986-2010) to Inspire Young Scientists.'

2019 -- An oral presentation was given at the 17th Conference of the New Zealand Institute of Physics, incorporating Physikos - the Physics Teachers Conference, 15-17 April 2019. The venue was University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Presentation title 'Transmission of radiation from a Cf252 source to assess material composition',

  • 2019 presentation information

  • Some activities

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